Abel Manor Murders and Home Front

Having completed the Halloween Zombies, Run Die Rise race, I am clearly going to work through the back catalogue. So I went back to Spring 2020 (which I remember seeing when I had just discovered ZR), did the training missions, studied and got very confused about the puzzles, and then ran the 10k this pastContinue reading “Abel Manor Murders and Home Front”

Number 10 and a spooky run

As mentiomed in an earlier post, October was to be a busy month for me with my 10th marathon and Zombies, Run Die Rise race (which I decided would be most fun to run on Halloween as the sun was setting). The marathon went well, the weather was perfect and I enjoyed my route. IContinue reading “Number 10 and a spooky run”

Finishing things

Study The official submission date for my H817 module of the MAODE is tomorrow. I originally submitted two weeks ago (I was making hay as my tips suggest) but had a quick peak again today and changed a few very minor things. It all seems a bit anticlimatic at the moment, the culmination of threeContinue reading “Finishing things”