There has been a lot of radio silence on this blog; those hat know me IRL will know why. Anyway, excitedly I have been selected as a Doctoral student to present at SoLAR’s (Society of Learning Analytics Research) annual big conference – LAK. This year is hosted in Arlington, Texas and I am super excitedContinue reading “LAK23”

Blogging through the thesis: Anarchic space contribution

Way back in April I think, I submitted a proposal for an “anarchic space” contribution in the upcoming WELS PGR conference. It was to be about how blogging has helped me in my thesis, so I submitted as a blog post (how very meta of me). The big day has come and I have 8Continue reading “Blogging through the thesis: Anarchic space contribution”

Running, zombies and submitting assignment 6

Busy couple of weeks where I completed the Milton Keynes rocket 5k, the MK marathon and then the Wings For Life run as well. Oh, and submitted a little thing called assignment 6 which basically signs off year 2 of my doctorate. The running Last year I did the same events but there were someContinue reading “Running, zombies and submitting assignment 6”

Drafting Assignment 6

Assignment 6 is super important, its due May 15th but due to various boring reasons relating to running – I am hoping to get it finished earlier than this. Which means getting a draft off in good time so my supervisory team can read it and feedback to me in time. And what better timeContinue reading “Drafting Assignment 6”