Blogging through the thesis: Anarchic space contribution

Way back in April I think, I submitted a proposal for an “anarchic space” contribution in the upcoming WELS PGR conference. It was to be about how blogging has helped me in my thesis, so I submitted as a blog post (how very meta of me).

The big day has come and I have 8 minutes to present so my talk is going to be in 2 sections – live blogging and two critical incidents. The Anarchic Space is using the structure of a padlet board to provide commentary, sources and comments

Made with Padlet
The Anarchic space padlet board

Live blogging

I really enjoyed the #CreativeHE space, some great thoughts and ideas. I will try and tag my own posts.

Fabulous to see Sarah Alcock who I knew from my MAODE journey and I saw her poster about pets which is fabulous and Mr Grebo has been getting involved on Twitter about this too.

Marjorie spoken about “incubation” which I loved as a concept. I often think about things marinading, but actually I prefer incubation. This is how my mind works when I study for a few hours and then go for a run.

Great poems in the anarchic space, and I loved the Scots video.

Thinking about lunch. Already had some great biscuits. Nice day on campus, good tea (last time I had tea here it was….decaf šŸ˜¦ )

And people

The two critical incidents

2 – Assignment 3 feedback and submission

Struggling with feedback from my supervisor and going through a process of dealing with, using it and coming out the other side

3 – Presenting, passing and dealing with it

Whinging about a conference experience and then turning this into a blog post about how we can all be better audience members.


This will be posted live!

Published by psylina

Testing and Learning at the Open University. Cross-stitches, reads (not at the same time) and studies online learning and educational technology. Views are my own and not those of my mother or employer

One thought on “Blogging through the thesis: Anarchic space contribution

  1. Such a shame our presentations were at the same time Selina, I love this idea and sorry to miss it live. It was great to meet you in person finally, and I’m sure there will be another chance to catch up soon. Doc says hi to Mr Grebo šŸ™‚

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